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Iterator Pattern

Structural: Iterator Pattern

What is the Iterator Design Pattern in JavaScript?

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Interview Response: The Iterator pattern is a behavioral design pattern in JavaScript that provides a way to sequentially access the elements of an aggregate object without exposing its underlying representation.

Technical Response: The Iterator Pattern allows you to progressively access and explores elements of an aggregate object (collection) without exposing its underlying representation. This technique enables JavaScript writers to create significantly more versatile and sophisticated looping constructs. Iterators and Generators got introduced in ES6, which aids in implementing the Iteration pattern.

Code Example:

The objects participating in this pattern are:

Client -- In example code: the run() function

  • references and invokes Iterator with a collection of objects

Iterator -- In example code: Iterator

  • implements Iterator interface with methods first(), next(), etc
  • keeps track of the current position when traversing the collection

Items -- In example code: Items

  • individual objects of the collection getting traversed

In modern JavaScript, we often use the Iterator pattern without even knowing it. For example, when we use for...of loops or the Array.prototype.forEach method.

The built-in JavaScript data types like Array, String, Set, Map are all iterables because they implement the Iterable interface, meaning they expose a method whose key is Symbol.iterator.

Here is a simple example of how you might use the Iterator Design Pattern in Modern JavaScript:

// Define the collection
let collection = {
items: ["Item1", "Item2", "Item3"],
[Symbol.iterator]() {
let index = -1;
return {
next: () => ({
value: this.items[++index],
done: index >= this.items.length

// Iterate over the collection using the for...of loop
for (let item of collection) {
console.log(item); // Output: Item1, Item2, Item3

In this example, the collection object implements the iterable interface by providing a method at the Symbol.iterator key. This method returns an iterator object, which defines a next method that returns the next value in the sequence.

The for...of loop implicitly calls the collection's [Symbol.iterator]() method, and then iterates over the returned iterator, logging each value to the console.

Detailed use without Symbol.Iterator:

let Iterator = function (items) {
this.index = 0;
this.items = items;

Iterator.prototype = {
first: function () {
next: function () {
return this.items[this.index++];
hasNext: function () {
return this.index <= this.items.length;
reset: function () {
this.index = 0;
each: function (callback) {
for (let item = this.first(); this.hasNext(); item = {

function run() {
let items = ['one', 2, 'circle', true, 'Applepie'];
let iter = new Iterator(items);

// using for loop

for (let item = iter.first(); iter.hasNext(); item = {

// using Iterator's each method

iter.each(function (item) {






Code Example #2:

const items = [1, 'hello', false, 99.8];

function Iterator(items) {
this.items = items;
this.index = 0; // to start from beginning position of array

Iterator.prototype = {
// returns true if a next element is available
hasNext: function () {
return this.index < this.items.length;
//returns next element
next: function () {
return this.items[this.index++];

//Instantiate object for Iterator
const iterator = new Iterator(items);

while (iterator.hasNext()) {



Why use the Iterator Pattern in JavaScript?

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Interview Response: It simplifies client code, provides a uniform interface for traversing different types of collections, and encapsulates responsibilities for iteration.

The Iterator pattern belongs to which pattern category?

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Interview Response: The Iterator pattern belongs to the Behavioral pattern category in JavaScript, which is concerned with communication between objects and the assignment of responsibilities.

When should you utilize JavaScript's Iterator Pattern?

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Interview Response: The Iterator Pattern in JavaScript should be utilized when iterating over complex data structures such as trees and graphs, or when implementing lazy evaluation and custom iteration behaviors.

Technical Response: This pattern helps deal with iteration-related challenges, constructing flexible looping constructs, and retrieving items from a complex collection without knowing the underlying representation. We can use it to create a generic iterator that efficiently explores any collection regardless of its type.

What are some of the benefits of using the Iterator pattern?

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Interview Response: The Iterator pattern in JavaScript provides a standardized interface for iterating over complex data structures, enables lazy evaluation, simplifies code, and supports custom iteration behaviors.

Interview Response: Benefits of the Iterator Pattern

  • Singular Responsibility Principle By separating cumbersome traversal algorithms into different classes, you may clean up the client code and collections.
  • The Open/Closed Principle -- You can add new types of collections and iterators to existing code without affecting anything.
  • Because each iterator object maintains its iteration state, you can concurrently iterate over the same collection.
  • For the same reason, you can postpone an iteration and resume it later.

What are some of the Iterator pattern's drawbacks?

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Interview Response: It can add unnecessary complexity if you only need to iterate through simple lists or arrays.

Technical Response: Some of the drawbacks of the Iterator pattern in JavaScript include increased code complexity when implementing custom iterators, and potential performance overhead when using iterators extensively.

Drawbacks of the Iterator Pattern.

  • Using the pattern may be overkill if your software works with simple collections.
  • Using an iterator may be less productive than going over elements of specific specialized collections directly.

Are there any alternatives to using the Iterator pattern?

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Interview Response: Yes, alternatives to the Iterator design pattern in JavaScript include using Symbol.Iterator, generators, async/await, for...of loops, and higher-order array methods like forEach, map, filter, and reduce.

In which scenarios would you use the Iterator Pattern?

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Interview Response: You would use it when you want to provide a consistent way to sequentially access elements from a complex data structure.

How does the Iterator Pattern differ from the Factory Pattern?

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Interview Response: While Factory Pattern is about creating objects, Iterator Pattern is about traversing through a collection of objects.

How does the Iterator Pattern promote Single Responsibility Principle?

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Interview Response: By separating traversal logic from the collection, the pattern follows the principle of each class or module having one responsibility.

How does the Iterator Pattern affect the time complexity of accessing collection elements?

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Interview Response: It doesn't affect the time complexity; it just provides a standardized way to access elements of a collection.

Is the Iterator Pattern only suitable for homogeneous collections?

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Interview Response: No, the Iterator Pattern can handle heterogeneous collections, allowing different object types within a single collection.

How does JavaScript's ES6 syntax enhance the Iterator Pattern?

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Interview Response: ES6 introduces "for...of" loops and iterable protocols, simplifying the implementation and usage of the Iterator Pattern.

What is the relationship between the Iterator Pattern and the Composite Pattern?

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Interview Response: The Composite Pattern often uses the Iterator Pattern to traverse composite structures consistently.

Technical Response: The Iterator pattern and the Composite pattern are two design patterns that can work together very well. The Composite pattern allows you to treat both individual objects and compositions of objects in the same way. The Iterator pattern provides a way to access the elements of an aggregate object sequentially without exposing its underlying representation.

Code Example:

To illustrate how these patterns can be used together, let's consider a file system. In this system, a Directory can contain Files and other Directories. Here's how you might model this using the Composite and Iterator patterns:

class File {
constructor(name) { = name;

[Symbol.iterator]() {
let done = false;
return {
next: () => {
if (!done) {
done = true;
return { value:, done: false };
return { value: undefined, done: true };

class Directory {
constructor(name) { = name;
this.children = [];

add(child) {
return this;

[Symbol.iterator]() {
let index = -1;
return {
next: () => {
if (++index < this.children.length) {
return { value: this.children[index], done: false };
return { value: undefined, done: true };

let root = new Directory('root');
let bin = new Directory('bin');
let usr = new Directory('usr');
let file1 = new File('file1');
let file2 = new File('file2');


for (let file of root) {
if (file instanceof File) {
console.log(; // file1, file2
} else {
console.log(`Directory: ${}`); // Directory: bin, Directory: usr

In this example, both File and Directory are treated uniformly as FileSystemNode. Both File and Directory define a [Symbol.iterator]() method, which means they can both be iterated over using a for...of loop. The difference is that a File iteration always yields a single item, while a Directory iteration can yield multiple items (other directories or files). This combination of the Composite and Iterator patterns allows us to work with complex tree-like structures in a very efficient way.