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· 4 min read
Stacey "Elugens" Wilson

"5 Tips to Pass Your JavaScript Phone Screen: A Guide for Job Seekers"

Passing a phone screen is an important step in the hiring process for any job, and it's no different for a JavaScript developer. In this blog post, we'll provide some tips to help you pass a JavaScript phone screen and move on to the next stage of the interview process.

· 4 min read
Stacey "Elugens" Wilson

Both Recursion and Iteration execute the sequence of instructions repeatedly. When a statement in a function calls itself again, this is called recursion, and Iteration occurs when a loop executes the body repeatedly until the controlling condition becomes false. The critical distinction between recursion and Iteration is that recursion is a procedure always applied to a function. In contrast, We can apply Iteration to a sequence of instructions that we wish to run again.