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JavaScript Manuals & Specifications

JavaScript Basics: Manuals & Specifications

What are the standard reference guides used by JavaScript developers?

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Interview Response: The standard reference guides used by JavaScript developers include the ECMAScript documentation, Mozilla Developer Network (MDN), CanIUse, and W3Schools.

What is the purpose of the ECMAScript specification?

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Interview Response: The ECMAScript specification provides a standardized set of rules and guidelines for implementing the JavaScript programming language. It defines the syntax, semantics, and behavior of the language.

What is the difference between ECMAScript and JavaScript?

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Interview Response: ECMAScript is a specification that defines the scripting language used by JavaScript. JavaScript is an implementation of ECMAScript and includes additional features and APIs.

Why do JavaScript developers use the MDN reference manual?

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Interview Response: JavaScript developers use the MDN reference manual because it is a reliable and comprehensive source of information on the language, including syntax, features, APIs, and browser-specific behaviors, with useful examples and tutorials.

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Interview Response: There are several great places to learn JavaScript, including free online resources like MDN, W3Schools, and Codecademy, as well as paid platforms like Udemy, Coursera, and Pluralsight.

Where is the best place to learn about JavaScript design patterns?

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Interview Response: The best place to learn about JavaScript design patterns is the book "Learning JavaScript Design Patterns" by Addy Osmani, as well as online courses, tutorials, and articles on platforms like

Can you suggest any books that a frontend developer should read?

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Interview Response: Here are my top 5 recommendations for books that a frontend developer should read: "Don't Make Me Think," "CSS Secrets," "JavaScript for Web Developers," "Designing Interfaces," and "High-Performance Web Sites."

What JavaScript Books can you suggest to other developers?

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Interview Response: My top recommendations for JavaScript books are: "JavaScript: The Definitive Guide," "Eloquent JavaScript," "JavaScript: The Good Parts," "You Don't Know JS," and "Effective JavaScript."